This text comprises a historical article on pathological horse-shoeing,
with information on shoeing horses with various ailments, from 'corns'
to 'flat foot'. Written in concise, simple language and profusely
illustrated, this is a text that will be of much value to the novice
farrier, and one that makes for a great addition to collections of
equine literature. The sections of this article include: 'Shoeing for
Capped Elbow', 'Rules to be Observed in Shoeing', 'Sprain of the Check
Ligament', 'Contraction of the Foot', 'The Bat Shoe', 'Shoeing with
Pads', 'Corns', 'Cornitis', 'Curb', 'False Quarter', 'Flat Foot',
'Forging and Clacking', 'Cutting and Brushing', 'Keraphyllocele',
'Laminitis', etcetera. We are proud to republish this vintage book, now
complete with a new and specially commissioned introduction on the care
and management of horses.