A research team from the United States has completed an examination of
citizen participation experiments in seven European countries. The team
included Donald Appleyard, Marc Draisen, David Godschalk, Chester
Hartman, Janice Perlman, Hans Spiegel, John Zeisel, and ourselves. This
book is a product of our joint efforts. Our studies are aimed at
summarizing and sharing what can be learned from recent European efforts
to enhance the effectiveness of local government through increased
public involvement in the organization and management of public services
and urban redevelopment. Almost a year was spent assembling the team,
developing a shared framework for analysis and identifying appropriate
case- study cities. European and American public officials and citizen
activists helped us assess the potential impact of such a study on
current practice. A second year was spent visiting the European cities
and preparing the case-study drafts. Finally, team members gathered in
Washington, D. C., with fifty American and European public officials,
citizen activists, and scholars. A two-day symposium provided an
exciting opportunity to present preliminary research findings and
encourage an exchange of ideas between researchers, activists, and
policymakers. The final versions of the case studies that appear in this
book, along with several commentaries by symposium participants, are
written especially for city officials and citizen activists. We have
tried to translate the results of our scholarly inquiry into pragmatic
suggestions for officials and activists.