Passing the Leadership Test: Strategies for Success on the Leadership
Licensure Exam is a study guide for the School Leaders Licensure
Examination (SLLA.) The book presents a comprehensive, practical guide
for preparing for the SLLA. It is divided into two sections: basic
principles of test preparation and the ISLLC standards with implications
for school leaders and the SLLA examination. This book is a plain
English, how to presentation for organizing and preparing for this
examination (with helpful tips beneficial for any standardized
examination.) Taking an informal and practical approach to the content
of this book, the authors guide the reader to develop a personal plan
for dealing with the SLLA. Bulleted lists of suggestions, guides, and
numerous examples that will help the reader formulate a well thorough
plan are all provided. The test taking strategies discussed in the
Passing the Leadership Test: Strategies for Success on the Leadership
Licensure Exam are beneficial for all educators who must take
standardized tests, and there are strategies that educators can utilize
that are beneficial to sharing with students.