These volumes contain the edited documents presented at the
NATO-Sponsored Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on Partial Pre8tre88ing,
from Theory to Practice, held at the CEBTP Research Centre of
Saint-Remy-Ies-Chevreuse, France, June 18-22, 1984. The workshop was a
direct extension of the International Symposium on Nonlinearity and
Continuity in Pre8tre88ed Concrete, organized by the editor at the
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, July 4-6, 1983. The
organization of the NATO-ARW on Partial Prestressing was prompted by the
need to explain and reduce the wide dirrerences of expert oph: iipn- on
the subject, which make more difficult the accep- tance of partial
prestressing by the profession at large. Specifically, the workshop
attempted to: - produce a more unified picture of partial presetressing,
by con- fronting and, where possible, reconciling some conflicting
American and European views on this subject; - bring theoretical
advances on partial prestressing within the grasp of engineering
practice; - provide the required background for developing some
guidelines on the use of partial prestressing, in agreement with
existing structural concrete standards. The five themes selected for the
workshop agenda were: (1) Problems of Partially Prestressed Concrete
(PPC). (2) Partially Prestressed Concrete Members: Static Loading. (3)
PPC Members: Repeated and Dynamic Loadings. (4) Continuity in Partially
Prestressed Concrete. (5) Practice of Partial Prestressing.