She inspected her knitting. "A yarn imagines itself, you know," she
murmured," from separate strands. Every story is made of strands, too,
of worlds that keep unfolding simultaneously along the same yarn. You
can spot one at a time or, rarely, a multitude swarming--though no
yarner can ever glimpse both the individual tale and the swarm at the
same moment. Imagination can conceal while it reveals. Sooner or later,
though, everything gets used."
In Parallax, Robin Morgan's most radiant prose, spare but sensuous,
welcomes you into her dazzling imagination. This is a story about
storytelling--a set of shorter tales which, like Russian dolls, nest and
fit together to reveal a larger one.
A fable for the future, a prediction about the past, Parallax is a
luscious story that enfolds you and demands immediate rereading the
moment you finish, a story that surprises you and invites you to play
with the patterns inside its paradoxes, a story whose characters will
accompany you for the rest of your life.