Paradoxes provide a vehicle for exposing misinterpretations and
misapplications of accepted principles. This book discusses seven
paradoxes surrounding probability theory. Some remain the focus of
controversy; others have allegedly been solved, however the accepted
solutions are demonstrably incorrect. Each paradox is shown to rest on
one or more fallacies. Instead of the esoteric, idiosyncratic, and
untested methods that have been brought to bear on these problems, the
book invokes uncontroversial probability principles, acceptable both to
frequentists and subjectivists. The philosophical disputation inspired
by these paradoxes is shown to be misguided and unnecessary; for
instance, startling claims concerning human destiny and the nature of
reality are directly related to fallacious reasoning in a betting
paradox, and a problem analyzed in philosophy journals is resolved by
means of a computer program.