During the translation, the author had the opportunity to re- view
several chapters, taking into consideration the more recent literature.
As far as possible all new theoretical concepts and experi- mental data
published before 1963 have been quoted and discussed under the
theoretical viewpoint of this book. A new chapter "Passivity and
Inhibition During High-Tempera- ture Oxidation" was introduced. Section
4.8 was enlarged by a dis- cussion of the transition from internal to
external oxidation. The author very much appreciates the cooperation of
the trans- lator and of Plenum Press. Gottingen, April 1.965 Karl Hauffe
v Preface The number of publications concerned with oxidation and cor-
rosion processes has become so copious that many engineers and
scientists find it practically impossible to obtain an overall view of
the growing body of knowledge and to bring order to the confusing
multiplicity of experimental data. As a result the need for a compre-
hensive survey of the present state of research in this field has be-
come more and more urgent.