For the Oneida people, yukwanénste has two meanings: our corn and our
precious. Corn has walked alongside the Oneida and other Haudenosaunee
people since creation, playing an integral role in their daily and
ceremonial lives throughout their often turbulent history. The
relationship between corn and the Oneida has changed over time, but the
spirit of this important resource has remained by their side, helping
them heal along the way. In Our Precious Corn: Yukwanénste, author
Rebecca M. Webster (Kanyʌʔtake-lu), an Oneida woman and Indigenous corn
grower, weaves together the words of explorers, military officers, and
anthropologists, as well as historic and other contemporary
Haudenosaunee people, to tell a story about their relationships with
corn. Interviews with over fifty Oneida community members describe how
the corn has made positive impacts on their lives, as well as hopeful
visions for its future. As an added bonus, the book includes an appendix
of different cooking and preparation methods for corn, including
traditional and modern recipes.