Optimization is of central concern to a number of discip- lines.
Operations Research and Decision Theory are often consi- dered to be
identical with optimizationo But also in other areas such as engineering
design, regional policy, logistics and many others, the search for
optimal solutions is one of the prime goals. The methods and models
which have been used over the last decades in these areas have primarily
been "hard" or "crisp", i. e. the solutions were considered to be either
fea- sible or unfeasible, either above a certain aspiration level or
below. This dichotomous structure of methods very often forced the
modeller to approximate real problem situations of the more-or-less type
by yes-or-no-type models, the solutions of which might turn out not to
be the solutions to the real prob- lems. This is particularly true if
the problem under considera- tion includes vaguely defined
relationships, human evaluations, uncertainty due to inconsistent or
incomplete evidence, if na- tural language has to be modelled or if
state variables can only be described approximately. Until recently,
everything which was not known with cer- tainty, i. e. which was not
known to be either true or false or which was not known to either happen
with certainty or to be impossible to occur, was modelled by means of
probabilitieso This holds in particular for uncertainties concerning the
oc- currence of events.