This volume contains a selection of papers referring to lectures
presented at the symposium "OperationsResearch 2006" (OR 2006) held at
the university of Karlsruhe, September 6 - 8, 2006. This international
conference took place under the auspices of the Operations Research
Societies of Germany (GOR), ] Austria (OGOR), and Switzerland (SVOR).
The symposiumwas attended by morethan 600academicsand practiti- ers from
35 countries. It presented the state of the art in Operations Research
and related areas in Economics, Mathematics, and Computer Science and
demonstrated the broad applicability of its core themes, placing
particular emphasis on Basel II, one of the most topical challenges of
Operations - search. The scienti?c program consisted of two plenary
talks, eleven semi-plenary talks and more than 400 contributed papers,
selected by the program c- mittee and arranged in 19 sections. These
presentations were complemented by the lectures of the GOR prize winners
including the Unternehmenspreis, which has been awarded for the ?rst
time. Firstofallwethankallparticipantsoftheconference, whosubmittedtheir
paper for publication. However, due to a limited number of pages
available for the proceedings volume, the total number of accepted
papers had to be restricted. Moreover, we want to express our thanks to
the program committee and the section chairs for their support in
acquiring interesting contributions and acting as a referee. Finally, we
thank Anna Palej for gathering and editing the accepted papers as well
as Dr. Werner A. Muller ] and Barbara Feß from Springer for their
support in publishing this volume.