David Gabel and David F. Weiman The chapters in this volwne address the
related problems of regulating and pricing access in network industries.
Interconnection between network suppliers raises the important policy
questions of how to sustain competition and realize economic efficiency.
To foster rivalry in any industry, suppliers must have access to
customers. But unlike in other sectors, the very organization of network
industries creates major impediments to potential entrants trying to
carve out a niche in the market. In traditional sectors such as gas,
electric, rail, and telephone services, these barriers take the form of
the large private and social costs necessary to duplicate the physical
infrastructure of pipelines, wires, or tracks. Few firms can afford to
finance such an undertaking, because the level of sunk costs and the
very large scale economies make it extremely risky. In other newer
sectors, entrants face less tangible but no less pressing constraints.
In the microcomputer industry, for example, high switching costs can
prevent users from experimenting with alternative, but perhaps more
efficient hardware platforms or operating systems. Although gateway
technologies can reduce these barriers, the installed base of an
incumbent can create powerful bandwagon effects that reinforce its
advantage (such as the greater availability of compatible peripherals
and software applications). In the era of electronic banking, entrants
into the automated teller machine- (A TM) and credit card markets face a
similar problem of establishing a ubiquitous presence.