If Art is smart and Art is rich, then someone is both smart and rich -
namely, Art. And if Art is smart and Bart is smart, then Art is
something that Bart is, too - namely, smart. The first claim involves
first-order quantification, a generalization concerning what kinds of
things there are. The second involves second-order quantification, a
generalization concerning what there is for things to be. Or so it
appears. Following W.V.O. Quine, many philosophers have endorsed a
thesis of Ontological Collapse about second-order quantification. They
maintain that ultimately, second-order quantification reduces to
first-order quantification over sets or properties, and therefore also
carries the latter's distinctive ontological commitments.In this revised
version of his doctoral dissertation, awarded the
Wolfgang-Stegmuller-Prize in 2012, Stephan Kramer examines the major
arguments for Ontological Collapse in detail and finds all of them
wanting. Quantifications, he argues, fall into at least two irreducible
kinds: those on what things there are, and those on what there is for
things to be.