On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods continues the project that the
influential anthropologist, philosopher, and science studies theorist
Bruno Latour advanced in his book We Have Never Been Modern. There he
redescribed the Enlightenment idea of universal scientific truth,
arguing that there are no facts separable from their fabrication. In
this concise work, Latour delves into the "belief in naive belief," the
suggestion that fetishes--objects invested with mythical powers--are
fabricated and that facts are not. Mobilizing his work in the
anthropology of science, he uses the notion of "factishes" to explore a
way of respecting the objectivity of facts and the power of fetishes
without forgetting that both are fabricated. While the fetish-worshipper
knows perfectly well that fetishes are man-made, the Modern icon-breaker
inevitably erects new icons. Yet Moderns sense no contradiction at the
core of their work. Latour pursues his critique of critique, or the
possibility of mediating between subject and object, or the fabricated
and the real, through the notion of "iconoclash," making productive
comparisons between scientific practice and the worship of visual images
and religious icons.