Providing an introduction to both classical and modern techniques in
projective algebraic geometry, this monograph treats the geometrical
properties of varieties embedded in projective spaces, their secant and
tangent lines, the behavior of tangent linear spaces, the
algebro-geometric and topological obstructions to their embedding into
smaller projective spaces, and the classification of extremal cases. It
also provides a solution of Hartshorne's Conjecture on Complete
Intersections for the class of quadratic manifolds and new short proofs
of previously known results, using the modern tools of Mori Theory and
of rationally connected manifolds.
The new approach to some of the problems considered can be resumed in
the principle that, instead of studying a special embedded manifold
uniruled by lines, one passes to analyze the original geometrical
property on the manifold of lines passing through a general point and
contained in the manifold. Once this embedded manifold, usually of lower
codimension, is classified, one tries to reconstruct the original
manifold, following a principle appearing also in other areas of
geometry such as projective differential geometry or complex geometry.