Born. Live. Die. That simple? No. You're born, an infant dependent for
sustenance on others. Grow old, you are fed and clothed and cleaned and
put to sleep. But not for all. Some die young. Others live long in
decent health until the end. Not everyone grows feeble. Most do. Old
age, hospitals, nurses, doctors, psychologists, social workers, rehab
specialists, health aides, nursing homes, a panorama. Experts everywhere
and a myriad of medical foot soldiers following. Bills everywhere for
thousands spewed out. Confusion. The family. What to do? Who to trust?
How to afford? Action! Determination! Institutionalization! Worries.
Dilemmas. Legal issues too. A Power of Attorney? A Will? Property? Final
decisions made by who? Disagreements. Greed. Lawyers. Courts. What
becomes of the life of an old woman when it's constructed on lies and
dysfunction like Eloise Tarikie's life. Tragedy is ensured. How sad, but
it can provide this lesson: Beware before it is too late.