c. P. Wroth, Oxford University, UK I am grateful to the Organising
Committee that were covered on the first day. First, we for the
invitation to attempt to sum up the had Dr Riemersma talking about
positioning proceedings. Summing up is not really the requirements, and
it seemed to me to be an appropriate phrase - it is a difficult job to
unhappy reflection on human frailty that he do justice in a summary to
the amount of was concentrating so much on the errors in material that
has been presented over the the system and on the human factors that two
days of the conference. Clearly, each led to trouble, emphasizing that
the techni- paper merits further individual attention in ques are vastly
superior to the ability of the order to reflect on its content. What I
am human beings who used them. Then, Dr going to say must necessarily be
an unbal- Palmer talked about a fascinating case his- anced critique,
because we are considering a tory of the Ocean Thermal Power Project;
whole range of knowledge and experience in this was of particular
interest because most a wide diversity of topics, and my comments of the
other stories we heard were not so are bound to be biased by my own
interests. specific and not about such a novel project.