In basketball, as in most sports, a large part of a coach's
responsibility is to prepare his or her team for games. Yet, little time
in practice is typically devoted to readying the players and coaches for
specific game situations. For instance, what are the various ways to use
dead ball moments to maximum advantage? What adjustments should be made
to launch a comeback in particular circumstances? When is it favorable
to purposefully miss a foul shot? In Odds-On Basketball Coaching:
Crafting High-Percentage Strategies for Game Situations, Michael J.
Coffino presents an innovative system for coaches to prepare for
specific game scenarios. Coffino challenges coaches to think differently
about what they emphasize in practice, placing greater value on
preparing for recurring game situations, crafting strategies by
assessing the odds, and creating a culture that elevates how players
think about the game. Each chapter begins with an actual game scenario
that illustrates the chapter's content and includes discussions of
notable college and professional basketball games in order to
demonstrate specific points. Odds-On Basketball Coaching provides a
framework for making game decisions beyond instincts and habits. It is
intended, more than anything, to stimulate coaches and players to think
comprehensively and realistically about how to approach games and
practices, fostering an environment where everyone can more incisively
make game-time decisions. While high school and youth basketball coaches
will find this book most helpful, coaches at all levels will benefit
from this novel approach to the game.