Neovascularization isanormalphaseoftissue repair mechanlsm. In theeye,
however, sproutingofnewvessels
havedetrimentaleffectsonvision. Diabeticretinopathy, corneal
neovascularization, age-related macular degeneration, retinal
veinocclusion, andretinopathy of prematurity are major causes of
blindness. In all, uncontrolled proliferationofnewvesselsistheunderlying
pathologicalcauseleadingtotheinexorablelossofvision. Development of
lasertechnologiesandtheir wide use in ophthalmology have
broughtsomehopeforthetreqtment of these diseases. However,
itbecameevident that direct
thetissuearenotidealsolutionstotheproblem. Recent advances in molecular
biology and genetic engineering have fosteredbasic knowledge regarding
the growth factors and intercellular messengers and their association
with theproliferationofnew blood vessels. These latter findings sparked
a renewed interest in Michaelson's "X-factor" ofocular
neovascularization and opened avenues for possible innovative
therapeutic approaches. Therefore, the suggestion to organize an
international gathering of clinicians and scientists interested in
problems of ocular circulation and neovascularization was received with
great enthusiasm. Unanimously, it wasdecidedtodedicatethe symposium to
Professor I.C. Michaelson, theinnovativescientist, the greatclinician,
theindefatigableteacher, andaboveall, thewonderfulhumanbeing. The
meeting was highlighted by the outstanding atmosphere of
friendshipandscientif-ic exchanges. This book mirrors the information
delivered and includes a selectionofpapersfromthescientificprogram.
teameffortsmadebytheInternational, ScientificandLocal Committees. I am
thankful tothe chairpersons of the varioussessionsfortheirtime,
keeninterestandendeavor for the realizationofahighscientific level. I
also deeplyacknowledgethehelpand&upportofArnallPatz, Bob Murphy,
BertGlaser, RobertFrank, LarryHjelmeland, Gordon Klintworth, Neville
Welsh, Charles Riva, Alec Garner, DesmondArcher, EphraimFriedman,
MyronYanoff, MosheLahav, Willem Manschot, Hans-WaltherLarsenand Masanobu
Uyama. The powerful stimulus of Hanan Zauberman, Steve Ryan,
GabrielCoscas, GiselleSoubrane, MosheIvry, YuvalYassur and Sue and Peter
Ballenwasmost instrumental in the realizationofthese"dreams". Asalways,
Iwasfortunate tohavetheinvaluablecollaborationofmyloyalassistants:
Evelyne Cohen, Genia Maftzir, Israel Barzel, Arieh Zelikovitch,
andJudithBenEzra. Thesmoothrunningofthe meeting
andtimelyeditingofthebookcouldnothave been possible without
theincalculablehelp and indefatigable typing and councilofJudithFisher,
whoseconded me in selectingthepapersandeditingthebook.