"HOLD THOU THE GOOD: DEFINE IT WELL ... " The quotation above from
Tennyson, is apt when describing the purpose and achievement of this
book. The author is dedicated to his subject-personal health in
industry: his research covers practical experience in the U.K. and other
lands. In non-technical language the book records many of the causes of
ill-health and throws light upon the physical and mental stress with
which men and women at work have to contend. Dr. Ffrench's observations
and conclusions should be of consider- able value to employers of labour
and of interest to all concerned in the welfare of people engaged in
earning a living. HAROLD COOPER Alfred H. Cooper & Sons Ltd Vll Preface
This book has been prepared so that readers may appreciate the
significant change in attitudes which has taken place over the past
twenty-five years towards the care of the health of people at work.