In last few years construction industry has been growing rapidly world
over including India. It is estimated that there are about 4 million
workers employed in the Indian construction industry. Himachal Pradesh,
a small north-western hill state of India, too has witnessed substantial
construction activities for roads, hydroelectric projects, housing and
industry in recent years. However, there is overall paucity of data on
occupational contact dermatitis among workers in construction activity.
This pilot study provides preliminary clinico-epidemiological and
etiological data on the subject. Acral dermatitis, hand dermatitis,
airborne contact dermatitis, and acrofacial dermatitis were common
clinical presentations. Potassium dichromate in cement apparently causes
irritant contact dermatitis (chrome ulcers, hyperkeratotic and
ulcerative dermatitis) initially and predisposes, even when minimal, for
allergic contact sensitivity to chromates, cobalt, and/or nickel. The
parthenium weed with its ubiquitous presence in India remains frequent
contact sensitizer among construction workers as well.