Emotional difficulties in children aged 5-11 can display themselves in a
range of different behaviours, and it is important for staff in schools
to be able to identify and address these problems, and to provide
appropriate help.
This easy-to-use tool provides an observation checklist which enables
staff to identify behavioural patterns in children with social and
emotional difficulties, analyse the emotional difficulties underlying
these behaviours and establish what kind of help and support the
children need. Behavioural responses are categorised within clearly
outlined topics, including behaviour, play and relationship with peers,
attachment behaviours, emotional state in the classroom and attitude to
attendance. Checklists and diagrams identify different 'styles' of
relating (secure, avoidant, ambivalent), to help school staff who work
with children and their families to respond appropriately to the
individual needs of each child. A range of handouts include activities
designed to provide emotional support, to focus and regulate behaviour
and enable the child to develop important social and emotional skills.
Suitable for use with children aged 5-11, this tool will be an
invaluable resource for teachers, teaching assistants, learning support
staff, school counsellors and educational psychologists.