Computer Science Workbench is a monograph series which will provide you
with an in- depth working knowledge of current developments in computer
technology. Every volume in this series will deal with a topic of
importance in computer science and elaborate on how you yourself can
build systems related to the main theme. You will be able to develop a
variety of systems, including computer software tools, computer
graphics, computer animation, database management systems, and
computer-aided design and manufacturing systems. Computer Science
Workbench represents an important new contribution in the field of
practical computer technology. Tosiyasu L. Kunii Preface The goal of
this book is to give concrete answers to questions such as what object-
oriented databases are, why they are needed, how they are implemented,
and how they are applied, by describing a research prototype
object-oriented database system called Jasmine. That is, this book is
aimed at creating a consistent view to object-oriented databases. The
contents of this book are directly based on the results of the Jasmine
project conducted at Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd. The book is a polished
version of my doctoral dissertation, which includes research papers
which I have authored and published.