The papers in this section on the legal aspects of nursing can be
divided into two parts: (a) the rights and responsibilities of nurses,
patients, and the medical system and (b) treatment, with its legal
ramifications. How does one decide whether patients' rights or the
health professional's rights are to be considered more seriously? Is
there an absolute "right" or "wrong"? Since legal rights are sanctioned
by constantly changing social and political climates, this may, in
effect, diminish the possibility of anything absolute. The question of
the "equivalency" of legal and moral rights is also addressed. Due to
the prevalent vagueness with regard to bioethical issues as they affect
hu- man and legal rights, often we become absorbed in philosophical
polemics without being able to arrive at anyone answer. In order to move
beyond the ethical/theoret- ical fonnulations, there is daily
confrontation in the nursing profession -the practi- cal application of