Nursing is a health care professional sector concerned with the care of
individuals, families, and communities so that they can achieve, recover
and maintain quality of life and optimal health. It aims to ensure care
for all patients and maintain their credentials, code of ethics,
standards, and competencies. Some of the primary branches of nursing are
cardiac nursing, perioperative nursing, orthopedic nursing, obstetrical
nursing, palliative care, etc. Nursing has the widest range of all
healthcare professions. It is divided depending on the needs of the
person being nursed. The major populations in nursing are
adult-gerontology, paediatrics, neonatal, informatics. This book
provides comprehensive insights into the field of nursing. It traces the
progress of this field and highlights some of its key concepts and
applications. This book is an essential guide for both academicians and
those who wish to pursue this discipline further.