The GAMM-Commi ttee for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics
(GAMM-Fachausschuss für Numerische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik)
has sponsored the organization of a GAMM Workshop dedicated to the
numerical simulation of three- dimensional incompressible unsteady
viscous laminar flows to test Navier-Stokes solvers. The Workshop was
held in Paris from June 12th to June 14th, 1991 at the Ecole Nationale
Superieure des Arts et Metiers. Two test problems were set up. The first
one is the flow in a driven-lid parallelepipedic cavity at Re = 3200 .
The second problem is a flow around a prolate spheroid at incidence.
These problems are challenging as fully transient solutions are expected
to show up. The difficulties for meaningful calculations come from both
space and temporal discretizations which have to be sufficiently
accurate to resol ve detailed structures like Taylor-Görtler-like
vortices and the appropriate time development. Several research teams
from academia and industry tackled the tests using different
formulations (veloci ty-pressure, vortici ty- velocity), different
numerical methods (finite differences, finite volumes, finite elements),
various solution algorithms (splitting, coupled, ... ), various solvers
(direct, iterative, semi-iterative) with preconditioners or other
numerical speed-up procedures. The results show some scatter and achieve
different levels of efficiency. The Workshop was attended by about 25
scientists and drove much interaction between the participants. The
contributions in these proceedings are presented in alphabetical order
according to the first author, first for the cavi ty problem and then
for the prolate spheroid problem. No definite conclusions about
benchmark solutions can be drawn.