Number Theory has been presented in a newer perspective by introducing
realistic concepts developed by genetic approach; it calls for
approaching a problem by going into its genesis. This way the solution
starts unfolding itself in a simpler and natural way. An alternative
classification of sets giving due recognition to different kinds of
numbers viz. positive and negative integers, zero, fractions, irrational
numbers has been suggested to avoid complexity. Creation of natural
numbers, irrational numbers of the form sqrt(n) and construction of
right and left handed spirals have been made possible by Pythagorean
Triangles with unit base and perpendicular. This concept / approach can
be applied to explain the formation of galaxies. Two chapters are
devoted to summarize the work on prime numbers and Fermat's Last
Theorem, duly presented in LAP's First two publications in 2011, after
their presentations at International Congress of Mathematicians held in
2006 and 2010.