One day many years ago a student came up to me and said, `I bet you do
not know what "8 S on an SS" stands for?' I didn't, and it took me
several days to work it out. But I did, on my own, and experienced the
thrill every puzzle solver feels when the moment of revelation occurs.
Immediately, I began to collect and manufacture them myself. This book
contains the biggest assembly of these puzzles ever published, graded
from very easy to the fiendishly difficult, with one word clues to
encourage people who need a little help. The other type of puzzles in
this book are of the "What Comes Next?" variety --- you are given a
sequence of usually six letters or numbers and asked what you think the
next term should be. These puzzles are immensely popular with all ages,
genders, occupations, and nationalities. They can help to develop
intelligence, general knowledge, concentration, and lateral thinking,
and can be used in family, classroom, and community games and