This volume collects the invited and contributed papers presentedt at
the work- shop Nuclear Dynamics: from quarks to NUCLEI, which was hosted
by Centro de Ffsica das Interacc;6es Fundamentais (CFIF) at Instituto
Superior Tecnico (1ST) in Lisbon, Portugal, from October 31st to
November 2nd, 2002. The response to this initiative exceeded the initial
expectations of the organizers. Participants arrived to Lisbon, not only
from countries within a close vicinity to Portugal, but also from
Central and Northern Europe, from Africa, from the United States, from
South and Central America, and from Japan. This meeting was the 20th in
a series of schools or workshops organized every fall in Lisbon. Along
the years, the series of meetings has covered a wide range of topics in
Nuclear and Particle Physics. The 2002 meeting had two unique
features: 1) Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies For the first
time, the CFIF Fall Meeting focused on nuclear processes at inter-
mediate energies. In physics, an energy range implies a selection ofthe
degrees of freedom which are probed. Experiments and theory at
intermediate energies bridge the interesting border between two pictures
ofreality: the nucleons, and their accompanying cloud of pions, which
make up the nuclei forming most of the matter around us, and the
underlying quark-gluon structure of the nucleons themselves. The
intriguing connection between the two descriptions is tested by
experiments using electrons, photons and mesons, or heavy-ion