th Superconductivity occ upies as pecial, unique place in the 20 century
physics. Just think ofi t: its microscopic mechanism was understood only
in 1957-46years after the discovery of superconductivity in 1911. In
contrast, thetheory ofnormal metals behavior (or, to be more precise,
the theory of metals in normal state) wasformed as early as the
twenties, immediately f ollowing the creation of quantum mechanics.
Moreover, when I took up the theory of superconductivity in 1943, not
only microscopic theory was non existent, but even macroscopic
superconductivity theory was quiteincomplete. The problem is that the
Londons equations, introduced in 1935, allow only aquantitative
description ofsuperconductors in magneticf ields weak in comparison with
the critical field. Also, even in weakfields, theLondons theory is
strictly applicableonly to Type II superconductors-although the division
ofsuperconductors into Type I and Type II materials was notsuggested
until much later, in early 1950's. Asf ar as nonequilibrium phenomena
are conc erned, then until 1943 the most remarkable, yet proved to be
fault afterwards, implication was that ofa complete absence ofa ll
thermoelectric effects in superconducting state.