In recent years high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spec-
troscopy has found very wide application in organie chemistry in
structural and physicochemical investigations and. also in the study of
the characteristics of organic compounds which are re- lated to the
distribution of the electron cloud in the molecules. The vigorous
development of this method, which may really be re- garded as an
independent branch of science, is the result of ex- tensive progress in
NMR technology, the refinement of its theory, and the accumulation of
large amounts of experimental material, which has been correlated by
empiricallaws and principles. The literature directly concerned with the
NMR method and its applica- tion has now grown to such an extent that a
complete review of it is practically impossible. Therefore the authors
have limited themselves to an examination of only the most important,
funda- mental, and general investigations. The book consists of six
chapters. In the first chapter we have attempted to present the
fundamentals of the NMR method in such a way that the reader with little
knowledge of the subject will be able to use the method in practical
work for investigating simple compounds and solving simple problems. The
three subsequent chapters give a deeper analysis of the method, while
the last two chapters and the appendix illustrate the various
applications of NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry.