NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators:
A Decade of Influence
Judith A. Halstead, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Editor
Thirteen years after initial publication, the NLN Core Competencies for
Nursing Educators continue to guide the development of graduate nursing
programs, define the roles and responsibilities of nurse educators, and
provide a framework for ongoing research in identifying the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes essential to preparing a qualified nursing
NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators: A Decade of Influence
revisits these critical guidelines through a contemporary lens that
underscores their ongoing influence and offers valuable insight into how
they will help shape the evolution of the nurse educator role. Whether
you're a practicing nurse educator or pursuing a career in nursing
education, you'll gain a better understanding of the theoretical
foundation behind this landmark literature and learn how to best use it
to successfully navigate the complex role of today's nursing faculty.
"Nurse educators, grounded by the current evidence about the role of the
nurse educator, will ensure that the next generation of students is
prepared to provide interdisciplinary, patient-focused, safe, and
high-quality care."
Diane M. Billings, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN
Chancellor's Professor Emeritus
Indiana University School of Nursing, Indianapolis