The greatest achievement of Machine to Machine interactions, Machine to
Human interactions, Human to Machine interactions and IoTs Technology is
the smart services and capability to perform operations from any
Internet Of Things device (PC connected to the internet, Smartphone,
Tablet, PDAs etc) in responding to Healthcare scenario. The process of
technological development gains momentum from the ability to combine and
modify existing technology. In industry 4.0, several branches of digital
technologies were brought together to be combined for digital computing.
The ICT idea emerged from the convergence of the computing and
telecommunications technologies and several other innovative
technologies. The technological convergence of several Smart and
Intelligent technologies were configured to achieve effective Mobile
Healthcare system monitoring. The Body Area Network (BAN) otherwise
regarded as Smart Wearable computing, emerged from the convergence of
Computing Science and Sensors Network infrastructure which enabled the
use of innovative smart biomedical Sensors Networks for remote
diagnosis, treatment and continuous monitoring of patients' health