In 2002 the multidisciplinary research project Nasca: development and
adaptation of archaeometric techniques for the investigation of cultural
history (Nasca: Entwicklung und Adaption archa]ometrischer Techniken
zur Erforschung der Kulturgeschichte) started, funded by the German
Federal Ministry of Education andResearch(Bundesministerium fu]r
Bildung und Forschung, BMBF ) in its priority program New scientific
methods and technologies for the humanities (Neue Naturwissenschaftliche
Methoden und Technologien fu]r die Geisteswissenschaften, NTG). This
new project continued and in a certain way fulfilled a lasting goal of
the ministry to integrate different branches of scientific activities
and to foster the transfer of expertise gained in natural sciences to
the humanities and vice versa. Archaeometry, by definition the
application of scientific methods in archaeological investigation, has
been a major focus of the priority program since its beginnings in 1989.
After funding numerous fruitful research projects that developed new
archaeometric techniques mostly in bilateral cooperation, an even
greater outcome was expected from a more multifaceted approach with the
participation of various scientific disciplines around a well-defined,
archaeological research topic. Furthermore, it was intended to establish
a project outside the traditional research areas in central Europe or
the Mediterranean. It was the great merit of the person formerly in
charge of the BMBF priority program, Dr. Edgar Pusch, to develop these
far-reaching perspectives and we are extremely grateful that after a
rigorous screening our project among other interesting ones was selected
for funding."