On March 15, 2002 we held a workshop on network interdiction and the
more general problem of stochastic mixed integer programming at the
University of California, Davis. Jesús De Loera and I co-chaired the
event, which included presentations of on-going research and discussion.
At the workshop, we decided to produce a volume of timely work on the
topics. This volume is the result. Each chapter represents
state-of-the-art research and all of them were refereed by leading
investigators in the respective fields. Problems - sociated with
protecting and attacking computer, transportation, and social networks
gain importance as the world becomes more dep- dent on interconnected
systems. Optimization models that address the stochastic nature of these
problems are an important part of the research agenda. This work relies
on recent efforts to provide methods for - dressing stochastic mixed
integer programs. The book is organized with interdiction papers first
and the stochastic programming papers in the second part. A nice
overview of the papers is provided in the Foreward written by Roger