The book is brief presents the challenges a leader with high-level
education managers of Nestle above can face while attempting to tailor
its international marketing strategy to address under different foreign
market conditions along with its drivers. The brief comprises critical
reflection and analysis based on Quelch al. (1986), supported with
theories of Porter et al. (1986) and additional relevant academic
literature and Nestle company's information. Quelch al. (1986) have
highlighted the challenges in the customization of Nestle marketing
strategies. Along with the critical reflection, an analysis is made
based on academic literature are presented to highlight the manager of
Nestle's problems with drivers behind the pressure to customize its
elements. These are competitive conditions, customers, and Leader's
decisions with decentralized organization structure serve as a crucial
driver of tailoring its international marketing strategy for its
survival. Moreover, this customization required flexibility in its brand
elements, marketing-mix to target the specific country abroad of its