Finding the way forward after a diagnosis of Glioblastoma
A must-read guide for you and your loved ones on this journey
Glioblastoma. The word is intimidating, scary, confusing and instantly
will make you feel helpless. Multiple doctor appointments, strange
medical terms, difficult decisions, confusing terminology, and confusing
technology all combine to frighten you and make you wonder how you'll
ever navigate this impossible new world and still feel like you're doing
everything possible for your own health, or the health of your loved
one. This book is designed to clear the fog of Glioblastoma. To help you
as the patient and your loved ones understand the diagnosis in plain,
comfortable language. To help understand the pluses and minuses of the
treatment options. To help make sense of all the testing. To help you
understand what to expect at important junctions during treatment. To
give you the information you need to make crucial decisions about your
care. In this book, Dr. Gruber uses his fifteen-plus years of knowledge,
experience and training as a Board-Certified Neurosurgeon to guide and
shepherd Glioblastoma patients and their loved ones through this
difficult diagnosis.