From bustling Zurich to the Swiss capital of Bern, from the Matterhorn
in Zermatt to the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino in the south,
National Geographic Traveler: Switzerland guides you to the better-
and lesser-known sights of this pristine European country. In between,
you'll discover the cultural and natural treasures--including hundreds
of museums, architectural masterpieces, parks, and lakes--Switzerland
has to offer.
Among the special features of National Geographic Traveler:
Switzerland are sidebars detailing experiences throughout the country,
to make sure that you get to know the culture, and the people, inside
and out. You can learn about Swiss watchmaking in Biel, for example,
make your own Swiss chocolate at a culinary workshop, and find the best
local designers' clothing in Zurich. Insider tips, in addition, provided
by an array of National Geographic experts--photographers, writers, and
grantees who have spent significant time in Switzerland--direct you to
favorite restaurants, festivals, and other information that only locals
know. Guided walks and drives are always a popular feature in our
guides, and in National Geographic Traveler: Switzerland, these
include a drive across the famous Great St. Bernard Pass, a hike through
Appenzellerland and the Lake Constance region, and a walk from Sugiez to
Môtier through the countryside during grape harvest.
To top it off, an extensive Travelwise section at the back of the guide
provides hand-picked hotels and restaurants, tour recommendations, and a
glossary that covers must-know words.