The fact that in the past physicians concerned themselves only with the
actual delivery in no way excluded other advisers during pregnancy; on
the contrary, for these very reason the patient was the recipient of
everybody's advice. Any Woman who had borne a child felt especially
chosen by heaven to counsel those who were about to bear children. With
the development of prenatal care this attitude has gradually changed, so
that the obstetrician has become the adviser-in-chief; but he still has
numerous unsolicited lay assistants. Within the week a very intelligent
patient, the wife of a physician, asked me if it was dangerous to raise
her arms above her head. I was startled to hear so primitive a question
from so sophisticated a person. Whenever possible the patient should
place herself under the care of a competent, well-trained obstetrical
specialist. The selection of a doctor should not be guided by the fee he
is reported to charge, for almost every doctor is human and will adjust
his price to the limited mean of honest patient. Happily the purchase of
obstetrical services is not like buying an automobile.