N.F.S. Grundtvig, a chief shaper of Denmark's modern identity and still
an active force in Danish social, political and religious life, was an
outstanding intellect of the European 19th century. As new-Europe
reviews the old traditional cultural canon, reflective of the most
dominant nations, interest grows in Grundtvig. The book comprises
English translations of an extensive selection of Grundtvig's own
retrospect upon events, causes and periods of his life, and of memoirs
by contemporaries upon whose lives his impinged. The choice of texts
follows closely that of Johansen and Hoirup's Grundtvigs Erindringer og
Erindringer om Grundtvig (Copenhagen 1948). Texts are arranged in an
approximate chronology of Grundtvig's life. A copious index supplies
mini-biographies and other documentation of the period, its
personalities, institutions and events. S.A.J. Bradley is Professor of
Anglo-Saxon in the University of York.