Patrick Hunt's Myths for All Time presents twelve of the most timeless
Greek myths retold in an affable, succinct fashion. These twelve myths,
which have survived through the millennia, are made applicable today
through Hunt's emphasis on the overriding message of each story. With
foundations in ancient Greek scholarship, society, and philosophy, these
stories have grown and taken new forms and thus remain relevant.
Retelling twelve of the most well-known myths in his relaxed style, Hunt
vividly portrays ancient Greece with characters whose basic human
characteristics are not far off from our own, thus bringing new life to
the greatest stories of antiquity for readers of all ages. Some of this
book was shared in presentations at the Sun Valley Writers' Conference
in 2005.
Patrick Hunt is a life-long student of Greek mythology, a subject that
has fascinated him since his youth, and has focused his professional
life on a study of the very lands that serve as the backdrop for these
timeless myths. Since his time in Greece as a graduate student at the
American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece, Hunt has gone on
to become a leader in the field of alpine archaeology. His broad studies
and interests have, however, constantly brought him back to the myths
that started it all. Hunt has taught Greek Mythology for years at
Stanford University and has lived in Greece. These experiences are
reflected in this book in his retelling of the myths and in notes on
their historical background.