With 30+ years' experience developing and using EdTech products,
distilled down into an easy-to-read format, My Secret EdTech Diary
aims to get you thinking about the past, present and future role of
educational technology and how it influences and shapes our education
My Secret EdTech Diary reflects on the history of EdTech, lessons
learned pre and post-Covid, best practice suggestions, how to select the
right solutions and the questions you need to consider before pursuing
your digital ambitions.
With unique insights from an Educators' and Vendors' perspective, advice
for budding EduPreneurs, guidance for schools considering how to
co-produce technology solutions with vendors and how to make the right
choices, Al aims to shine a light on Educational Technology through the
widest possible lens.
With links to research, insights from trusted peers, quick
ready-reckoner checklists, questions you need to be asking, alongside
voices aligned from the sector, this book aims to get you up to speed
and thinking big picture EdTech.