The first volume of the music collection catalogue of the Institute of
Musicology, Karl-Franzens-University in Graz published the smaller parts
of its collection (items from the parishes of Frohnleiten, Krieglach,
Rottenmann and Weiakirchen, the former Piarist cloister of Gleisdorf,
the monastery of the "Barmherzige Bruder" in Graz, the former theatre
society of Radkersburg, as well as the collection of Friedrich Wastian).
The second volume now includes the church music that is still extant
from the old Stadtpfarrkirche St. Jakob in Leoben, as well as the
manuscripts of the Institute of Musicology that were not catalogued as
separate collections. For the most part, these are single sheets of
music. Only four complete collections are included: the collection of
Johann Khunt (1859-1931), a descendant of a family from Usti nad Orlici
who were textile workers and canvas merchants who traded in Graz. This
collection, which stems from the period between 1792 and 1860, also
originates from Usti nad Orlici, the manuscripts having for the most
part been written by members of the "Cacilienverein". The estate of Rosa
Kosjek (1847-1931), who is primarily known as a patron of the arts and
the conductor of the Kosjek Choir, includes quite an extensive
collection with several autograph manuscripts of Berta Luschin von
Ebengreuth (1871-1955). The two remaining music collections are smaller
and include the autograph manuscripts of Anna von Buttler
(Zichy)-Stutenberg (1821-1912) as well that of the Wustner educator
family from Carinthia.