Ecologists are making increasing use of computer methods in analyzing
ecological data on plant and animal communities. Ecological problems
naturally involve numerous variables and numerous individuals or
samples. Multivariate techniques permit the summary of large, complex
sets of data and provide the means to tackle many problems that cannot
be investigated experimentally because of practical restraints.
Ecologists are thus enabled to group similar species and similar sample
sites together, and to generate hypotheses about environmental and
historical factors that affect the communities. This timely book
presents a full critical description of three methodologies - direct
gradient analysis, ordination, and classification - from both
theoretical and practical viewpoints. Both traditional and new methods
are presented. Using a wide range of illustrative examples, Hugh Gauch
provides an up-to-date synthesis of this field, which will be of
interest to advanced students and ecologists. These mathematical tools
are also used in a wide variety of other areas, from natural resource
management and agronomy to the social and political sciences.