This book starts with an introduction to the basic concepts of
multistability, then illustrates how multistability arises in different
systems and explains the main mechanisms of multistability emergence. A
special attention is given to noise which can convert a multistable
deterministic system to a monostable stochastic one. Furthermore, the
most important applications of multistability in different areas of
science, engineering and technology are given attention throughout the
book, including electronic circuits, lasers, secure communication, and
human perception.
The book aims to provide a first approach to multistability for readers,
who are interested in understanding its fundamental concepts and
applications in several fields. This book will be useful not only to
researchers and engineers focusing on interdisciplinary studies, but
also to graduate students and technicians. Both theoreticians and
experimentalists will rely on it, in fields ranging from mathematics and
laser physics to neuroscience and astronomy. The book is intended to
fill a gap in the literature, to stimulate new discussions and bring
some fundamental issues to a deeper level of understanding of the
mechanisms underlying self-organization of matter and world complexity.