Multirate Switched-Capacitor Circuits for 2-D Signal Processing
introduces the concepts of analog multirate signal processing for the
efficient implementation of two-dimensional (2-D) filtering in
integrated circuit form, particularly from the viewpoints of silicon
area and power dissipation. New 2-D switched-capacitor (SC) networks and
design techniques are presented, both with finite impulse response (FIR)
and infinite impulse response (IIR) with separable denominator
polynomial, which offer simpler and more systematic synthesis procedures
than currently available design techniques for 2-D analog filters. Since
they are in the discrete-time domain, the book can be also referred to
the digital multirate signal processing.
A 2-D SC image processor that realizes both (2 x 2)nd-order Butterworth
lowpass and highpass filtering functions for video image signals was
realized as a prototype integrated circuit implemented in 1.0-mum CMOS
technology. The experimental characterization of this prototype chip
demonstrated the feasibility of real-time analog multirate 2-D image
processing with equivalent 8-bits accuracy, using only 2.5 x 3.0
mm2 of silicon area and dissipating as little as 85 mW at 5V
supply and 18 MHz sampling rate. This indicates that for moderate
accuracy and low to moderate complexity of the filtering function, a
fully multirate analog implementation has a potential to achieve a more
competitive implementation than an alternative digital VLSI
implementation. However, for high accuracy and/or higher processing
complexity, not only the relative overhead cost of the front-end and
back-end converters will diminish but also the implementation of the
processing core in digital VLSI will benefit more of technology scaling
to achieve higher density of integration.
Multirate Switched-Capacitor Circuits for 2-D Signal Processing is
essential reading for practicing analog design engineers and researchers
in the field. It is also suitable as a text for an advanced course on
the subject.