The synthesis of multicomponent/multilayered superconducting,
conducting, semiconducting and insulating thin films has become the
subject of an intensive, worldwide, interdisciplinary research effort.
The development of deposition-characterization techniques and the
science and technology related to the synthesis of these films are
critical for the successful evolution of this interdisciplinary field of
research and the implementation of the new materials in a whole new
generation of advanced microdevices.
This book contains the lectures and contributed papers on various
scientific and technological aspects of multicomponent and multilayered
thin films presented at a NATO/ASI. Compared to other recent books on
thin films, the distinctive character of this book is the
interdisciplinary treatment of the various fields of research related to
the different thin film materials mentioned above. The wide range of
topics discussed in this book include vacuum-deposition techniques,
synthesis-processing, characterization, and devices of
multicomponent/multilayered oxide high temperature superconducting,
ferroelectric, electro-optic, optical, metallic, silicide, and compound
semiconductor thin films.
The book presents an unusual intedisciplinary exchange of ideas between
researchers with cross-disciplinary backgrounds and it will be useful to
established investigators as well as postdoctoral and graduate students.