This book is the outcome of my research in the field of multi- levellot
sizing and scheduling which started in May 1993 at the
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (Germany). During this time I
discovered more and more interesting aspects ab out this subject and I
had to learn that not every promising idea can be thoroughly evaluated
by one person alone. Nevertheless, I am now in the position to present
some results which are supposed to be useful for future endeavors. Since
April 1995 the work was done with partial support from the research
project no. Dr 170/4-1 from the "Deutsche For- schungsgemeinschaft" (D
FG). The remaining space in this preface shaH be dedicated to those who
gave me valuable support: First, let me express my deep gratitude
towards my thesis ad- visor Prof. Dr. Andreas Drexl. He certainly is a
very outstanding advisor. Without his steady suggestions, this work
would not have come that far. Despite his scarce time capacities, he
never rejected proof-reading draft versions of working papers, and he
was always willing to discuss new ideas - the good as weH as the bad
ones. He and Prof. Dr. Gerd Hansen refereed this thesis. I am in- debted
to both for their assessment. I am also owing something to Dr. Knut
Haase. Since we al- most never had the same opinion when discussing
certain lot sizing aspects, his comments and criticism gave stimulating