In this monograph, the authors develop a comprehensive approach for the
mathematical analysis of a wide array of problems involving moving
interfaces. It includes an in-depth study of abstract quasilinear
parabolic evolution equations, elliptic and parabolic boundary value
problems, transmission problems, one- and two-phase Stokes problems, and
the equations of incompressible viscous one- and two-phase fluid flows.
The theory of maximal regularity, an essential element, is also fully
developed. The authors present a modern approach based on powerful tools
in classical analysis, functional analysis, and vector-valued harmonic
The theory is applied to problems in two-phase fluid dynamics and phase
transitions, one-phase generalized Newtonian fluids, nematic liquid
crystal flows, Maxwell-Stefan diffusion, and a variety of geometric
evolution equations. The book also includes a discussion of the
underlying physical and thermodynamic principles governing the equations
of fluid flows and phase transitions, and an exposition of the geometry
of moving hypersurfaces.