A fast-paced mystery with dozens of quirks and turns...
In the riveting second installment of the National Park Mystery Series,
archaeologist Chuck Bender finds himself and his young wife and
stepdaughters in the crosshairs of an unknown killer when he defends his
brother-in-law from false accusations of murder in the brutal slaying of
a resort worker in Rocky Mountain National Park.
SCOTT GRAHAM is the author of the acclaimed National Park Mystery
series, featuring archaeologist Chuck Bender and Chuck's spouse Janelle
Ortega. In addition to the National Park Mystery series, Scott is the
author of five nonfiction books, including Extreme Kids, winner of the
National Outdoor Book Award. Scott is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys
backpacking, river rafting, skiing, and mountaineering. He has made a
living as a newspaper reporter, magazine editor, radio disk jockey, and
coal-shoveling fireman on the steam-powered Durango-Silverton Narrow
Gauge Railroad. He lives with his spouse, who is an emergency physician,
in Durango, Colorado.