Master's Thesis from the year 2010 in the subject Pedagogy - The
Teacher, Educational Leadership, Makerere University (Educational
Management), language: English, abstract: There seems to be controversy
as to what really motivates employees (teachers). In the researcher's
own observation, different employees tend to have preference for
different motivational factors and therefore perceive them as being
motivational to their performance. This is because we all differ in our
interests and understanding and therefore react differently on different
aspects. While one employee may prefer being offered a car, another will
prefer recognition, promotion and appreciation instead. Thus making it
difficult to understand what really motivates employees to perform well.
The first chapter presents the background, problem statement, purpose,
specific objectives, research questions, hypotheses, scope and
significance of the study. Several previous scholars have attempted to
relate motivation to job performance. Therefore, the purpose of the
second chapter is to review literature relating to the variables in the
study. It also presents the theoretical review, conceptual framework or
model and literature related to the three respective objectives. The
related literature is presented in line with the objectives that guided
the study. It is presented in subheading of; remuneration and job
performance, work environment and job performance and administrative
policies and job performance. The third chapter presents a description
of how the research was carried out. It gives systematic steps and key
areas that were followed in the empirical part of the study. These
included; the design, population, sampling strategies, data collection
methods and instruments, data collection methods and instruments, data
quality control, procedure and data analysis. Chapter four presents the
description of the background variable of respondents, the dependent
variable (job performance) and testing of hy